About me

I've been crafting now for about 10 years, creating is what I do when I have time and need to relax. I am lucky as I do sell cards/invites to friends and family and just love giving handmade gifts. They are always so well received and made with love.

Please contact me if you would like any further information on anything you see on this site. Please email me at Tracyandmo@gmail.com or call 07900 882618.

Friday 11 July 2008

Baby Boy Cot and Presentation Box

I bought a template by Arty Farty for this, it does take a lot of preparation but I am over the moon with the final product. My cousin is having a baby next month, so I have made this in advance. once you get everything cut out it is not too bad to put together. I have attached some photos to share.

Hope you like it.

Happy Crafting!!!!


Lyselia said...

Hi, nice start to your blog, and I adore your cot, I too have this template, and love the design, so much so I decided to create my own cut file using only george, saves alot of time. Check out my blog, the cut file is there for downloading if you would like it, hand on heart it reduces the time spent drawing round and cutting out by hand. Don't know what I would do without my bug/design studio.


TLCDesign said...

Terrific! You have inspired me to try & create my own .cut file to make something similar...even though I don't have need for it right now!

Thank you for sharing your creativity & ideas in your blog.
